Sunday, January 4, 2009

We support our local Laconia NH shops

When shopping we all should remember our local stores here is a short list of my favorite shops and I will start with the green shops. Sunflower Natural Foods on south main st. This store is one of the best store in Laconia to purchase the finest quality whole, local grown, and organic foods. I love the peanut butter machine. Which will grins fresh peanuts right before your eyes into the best tasting chunky peanut. The next store in Laconia I will add to this list is SustainAbility on main st. This store offers a wide selection of solar heating and electric systems. The store Owner Malik Haig is very knowledgeable on Eco friendly living. His store is well put together and he great with customers. The candles that we carry can also be found in this store. The next place I would like to talk about is All My Life Jewelers also on main st. this shop has the finest jewelery money can buy. Some of the jewelery in made right in house. This store in family owned by Randy & Sue and their son Charlie. This is a fun shop to visit. The next store on my list is Aslyum Sports on Canal st. This store has a wide inventory of Bikes, skate boards, and many accessories. One of the best product in the store in small motorized scooters that will save so much on gas. I will end this list with a few final words. By shoping local we help to keep our money right in our local economy and we can keep our city's and towns Strong. some were down the line this is a great way to be green.

Thank you for reading
S & L Green Goods

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